About Us

Hi! Welcome to Praus Gifts! We love God's Word!! 

My grandfather, Joseph Malone, and my father, Avon Malone were both ministers and artists, so a love for God and a love of art were always part of my life. I majored in Art in college, but after school, I found a better paying job working with computers (go figure). So I've worked with computers throughout my career, but recently retired and have gone back to creating art (using computers). I feel very blessed by God to be able to put out His Word to help myself and others. And to put beauty into the world through art. 

I have a wonderful, wise and handsome husband, Jeff. He is my greatest gift, next to Jesus. He is director of development for a homeless ministry. We live in Northern California. 

We weren't able to have children, but we have an adorable, slightly mischievous dog, Baker. He likes to steal things so he has to drop them and then get a treat for obeying the drop command. He has good hair and gives lots of love! Here he is with Jeff's socks in his mouth waiting for me to say "Drop!" and give him a treat. 


Thank you for stopping by! I hope you find products that draw you closer to God and His truth.

Much love in Jesus,



Our Values and Beliefs

- God is love  (1 John 4:8) 

- God's Word is truth and it will change us (John 17:17)

- God's Word heals us and delivers us from destructions (Psalm 107:20)

- Jesus is God and when you come to Him, you've come to God. (Colossians 1:15, John 14:6)

- God has a wonderful plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11)

We continue to "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14) and we appreciate your support. We are blessed to serve you and to have customers like you!

Organizations we support and recommend are:

Voice of the Martyrs - https://www.persecution.com/ - An organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places.

Samaritan's Purse - https://www.samaritanspurse.org - An international disaster relief organization that provides aid to hurting people affected by war, poverty, & disasters.

Monthly Miracles - https://www.monthlymiracles.org/ - Serves those that are homeless or facing homelessness in the Northern California area, by sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ in words and actions. My husband volunteers with this ministry. 

Compassion International - https://www.compassion.com/- A child sponsorship organization that gives hope to children in poverty. 

It is in blessing others that we are blessed.