Aging Gracefully Challenge - Day 30 - Wrap up

During the past 30 days we have learned:

Day 1 - God doesn’t look at appearance, intelligence, or youth. He looks for a heart that loves and obeys Him.

Day 2 - As we age, we can flourish spiritually and be transformed into the person God wants us to be: We can go from Hate to Love, Self-indulgence to Self-control, Foolishness to Wisdom, Anger to Peace,  Pride to Humility,  Fear to Faith.

Day 3 thru 7 - In God’s strength we can fulfill lifelong dreams, impact the next generation, discover new gifts, and take new mountains.

Day 8 thru 13 - We can change our mindset by controlling our thoughts and having them match up with God’s Word. We fasted negative thoughts such as fear, pride, unforgiveness of others and unforgiveness of ourselves.

Day 14 thru 15 – The importance of maintaining mental functions as we age. We looked at nutrients, fasting and HIIT exercises that can help.

Day 16 thru 17 – To trust God with our future based on His faithfulness in our past.

Day 18 thru 20 – We need to obey God to have a long, good life by speaking the truth, turn from evil to good and living at peace with others.

Day 21 thru 23 - How to stay attractive, internally, and externally.

Day 24 – 29 – The importance of gaining Wisdom and how to apply it to our daily lives.

Day 30 Challenge – Age Gracefully with God.


It has been an honor to go on this journey with you. I pray that we all will age gracefully.

Much love,


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