Day 7 Going Forward in Love

Seven Day Love Challenge – Day 7 – Going Forward in Love

Thank you for joining us on our Seven Day Love Challenge. We are on a mission to love God, love ourselves, and love others

Today is the final day of our challenge. We will recap what we learned and put a plan in place to carry the concepts forward.

What we learned during the past 7 days:

Day 1: We looked at the Greek words for love and learned about God’s Agape love for us. Our challenge was to take a picture of ourselves from our childhood and go to God as that little child and receive His Love.

Day 2: On Valentine’s Day, we reminded ourselves that we are the Bride of Christ. We experienced the love of the Bride for her Bridegroom.

Day 3: We looked at loving ourselves the way God loves us. That doesn’t mean we indulge or exalt ourselves. It does mean that we are patient and kind to ourselves. We took the picture of ourselves from Day 1, picked up the child in the picture and loved them.

Day 4: Knowing that God’s Word always bears fruit, we applied God’s Word to our souls by personalizing verses on love.

Day 5: We began to love others by faith, that is we began believing that God has poured out His love into our hearts.

Day 6: We looked at Proverbs to help us to love wisely. We reviewed what love is based on 1 Corinthians 13 (patient, kind, etc.) , and what it is not based on Proverbs (approval seeking, enabling poor decisions, trusting and believing evil people.)

Day 7 Challenge: Listed below are some thoughts on how we can continue applying what we have learned.

Ongoing Challenge from Day 1: At the beginning of each day, maybe while you are still in bed, come to God as a little child and receive His Love.

Ongoing Challenge from Day 2: At the end of each day, maybe as you are going to sleep, approach Christ as His Bride and receive His Love.

Ongoing Challenge from Day 3: Throughout the day, remember to love yourself.

Ongoing Challenge from Day 4: At the very first unkind, impatient, or resentful thoughts toward another person, stop. Get your scripture verses, add that person’s name, and read through them until you love them as God does.

Ongoing Challenge from Day 5: Constantly remember that you are not loving others in your own strength, but in God’s strength. Believe that God’s love is poured out in your heart and that He is loving others through you.

Ongoing Challenge from Day 6: We looked at Proverbs to help us to love wisely. Evaluate the relationships in your life to be sure that they match up with both 1 Corinthians and Proverbs.

Thank you again for joining us for the LOVE Challenge! I hope it helped you and I know it helped me. 

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